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And I started with the 100s chart. Another amazing characteristic of first graders is that once you explore one avenue of a problem, their.
At ISTE 2017 in San Antonio, I talked briefly with my friend Luis Perez. Cincinnati Zoological and Botanical Gardens Director, Thane Maynard.
In Math, the Journey IS the Destination. Making Schools A Safe Place for Teachers Too. I so appreciate the fact that our district this year is focusing on really trying to make our PLC and PD time productive and meaningful for all of our teachers. I can list a num.
Reflections on Life as a Middle School Principal. July 3, 2015 1 Comment. I checked my step counter, and I walked an average of 12,000 steps every day, and I only got lost in the enormity of the Penn Convention Center once. Needless to say, my calves would like a vacation. How? These are my people! And his teachers as they talked about 10 years of educ.
Sunday, August 16, 2015. The First Two Days of School. We started school last Thursday. I love starting school that way. I dared and I did. No syllabus today and not again tomorrow. It may be Monday at the earliest. I led an activity with staff.
Musings of a lifelong educator and learner. Saturday, August 8, 2015. At the Heart of Every Great Administrator. How Can We Build Relationships.
Monday, July 27, 2015. Birthdays and Anniversaries or How I Started Reflecting on My Work. I started a chat a while ago. It is educational in nature; it is goofy by design -. There are people there I can count on.
Through a process to look in, outside, and up, I committed INSPIRE as my One Word. Seeking the Best in the World. This year, I planned on s.
Facebook can be spammy and full of framing games and Candy Crush Saga. I often stay connected to family far away and even friends who have gone abroad. Today I saw this petition. How cool would it be for a legislator to take a week and become a teacher? I am proud to pass on this challenge on behalf of all educators and highly suggest every legislator that receive it actually take it seriously! We ha.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011. To think i hated phones. power which carries you in my pocket. A pocket which earnestly, selflessly waits to surrender the box to my ear. My ear then bathed in the sweet caress of your. The voice which reaches into my soul and brings us. That i feel when we are here. Wednesday, February 16, 2011. And now a word from Dessa.
Monday, May 19, 2014. Visit Book Fair to purchase. Next week, it will be Wednesday due to Memorial Day and our field trip. Monday, February 3, 2014.
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Prodej domů, chat a chalup. Pronájem secesního bytu bytu po rekonstrukci, 3 1, 105 m. Orebitská, Praha 3 - Žižkov. Pronájem kancelářských prostor, 150 m. Fráni Šrámka, Praha 5 -Bertramka. S velkou zahradou, Rataje nad Sázavou. Prodej srubu 2 kk, 34 m. Na vlastním pozemku 708 m. Prodej chalupy 4 kk, 160 m.